The Killer ( 2023 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, 16+
The Killer
118 min.
az, ru, en
1080p, 720p, 360p
Thriller Crimе
5.95 TvSeans   6.8 IMDb   6.6 Kinopoisk  
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A man solitary and cold, methodical and unencumbered by scruples or regrets, the killer waits in the shadows, watching for his next target. And yet the longer he waits, the more he thinks he's losing his mind, if not his cool. A brutal, bloody and stylish noir story of a professional assassin lost in a world without a moral compass, this is a case study of a man alone, armed to the teeth and slowly losing his mind.
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Film və serialları Azərbaycan dilində dublyajda izləyin, 720p və Full HD keyfiyyətdə Azərbaycanca dublyajda film və seriallar


Film Director(s)
David Fincher
Andrew Kevin Walker
Other Characters  
Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton, Arliss Howard, Charles Parnell



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