Exam ( 2009 ) watch online in best quality

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, United Kingdom, 16+
101 min.
az, ru, en
720p, 360p
Thriller Detective Horror Mystery
2.5 TvSeans   6.9 IMDb   7 Kinopoisk  
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Shown into a windowless examination room, eight candidates have reached the final stage of selection for a prestigious job at a mysterious corporation. There is one question before them and one answer is required. If they try to speak to him or the armed guard by the door they will be disqualified. If they leave the room for any reason they will be disqualified. If they spoil their papers they will be disqualified. As the clock ticks down, they must figure out what the company expects of them, and how far they are prepared to go to secure the ultimate job.
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Film Director(s)
Stuart Hazeldine
Stuart Hazeldine, Simon Garrity
Main Characters
Adar Beck, Gemma Chan
Other Characters  
Nathalie Cox, Jimi Mistry, Colin Salmon



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