1.1 TVSEANS.COM is an encyclopaedical website that delivers detailed and comprehensive information about short, feature and documentary films and show programs via the internet. By means of TVSEANS.COM, users are provided with the materials about their favorite films prepared by editors and given in a language that is suitable for readers and therefore, completely independent and with no-pressure they are accept Monthly, Annual or Special subscription terms. 

The subscription is paid for the services listed below:

  1. Production Date of the film
  2. Production Country of the film
  3. Age Restriction for Viewers
  4. IMDB rate
  5. KINOPOISK rate of the film
  6. TVSEANS rate of the film
  7. Film Plot
  8. Shooting Group – as well as
  9. Director
  10. Screenwriter
  11. Producer
  12. Cameraman
  13. Creative art director
  14. Starring actors/actresses
  15. Supporting actors/actresses

detailed information about etc. specialists. 

1.2 In addition, TVSEANS.COM can assist users to find websites for watching films, finding and watching alternatives via the internet, watching film trailers, and/or short and/or full versions of films in several languages ​​and in several qualities if publicly available.

1.3 Once you have subscribed to TVSEANS.COM, you will be able to use the website free of charge or paid, as well as to use all the texts and materials provided on the site and mentioned above, based on the package you have chosen. 

1.4 You will be able to use TVSEANS.COM anywhere in the world. You just need to choose one of the suggested languages.

1.5 You will be regularly notified of the updated version of TVSEANS.COM.


2.1 At the same time, it should be reminded that TVSEANS.COM is not responsible for whether the films found via the website and/or their parts have various authorisations and rights, and for the legitimacy and legal or illegal actions of those websites. TVSEANS.COM does not pursue any commercial purposes or seek profit when establishing communication between the user and website. 

2.2 At the same time, TVSEANS.COM may demonstrate self-made and/or bought films and/or films licensed and formalized based on the specific contracts. The demonstration of such films can be paid and free of charge.

2.3 TVSEANS independently determines the speed and frequency of delivery of information about new movies, their trailers or other film products to the end user and does not bear responsibility in front of the end user for the amount received. TVSEANS is not responsible for the content of other movie sites and acts only in accordance with its own programming policy.

2.4 TVSEANS employees try to translate information about films, trailers or other film content from any languages ​​into Azerbaijani, Russian and English. However, in some cases, for some reason TVSEANS can not do it. Turkish content is not translated into Azerbaijani at all.


3.1 To use TVSEANS, you must have an internet access and you must subscribe to the website. 

3.2 The quality of video content posted on TVSEANS.COM may vary depending on your device, your location and the speed of your internet connection. TVSEANS is not responsible for the quality and speed of recieving of existing content by the end user.

3.3 You cannot use the materials published on TVSEANS.COM without the official consent from info@tvseans.com service via e-mail. Otherwise, it will be considered theft of intellectual and private property, and the person at fault will be subject to serious penalties under International Laws.

3.4 You can unsubscribe to TVSEANS.COM whenever you want.

3.5 To subscribe to TVSEANS.COM, you must reach the age of 18 or have reached the age of majority in your country of residence. Those who have not reached the age of majority are entitled to use TVSEANS.COM services only under the supervision of persons above the age of 18.          

3.6 If you upload video content owned by TVSEANS.COM and use it as an example of piracy, you will be subject to penalty under International Laws.   

3.7 Rights of all users are reserved by a TVSEANS.COM warranty. We use the possibly strongest security measures to protect our users' information. TVSEANS.COM will not sell or lease your personal information to third parties. We value your privacy.

3.8 Payments of customers who purchase a Monthly or Annual subscription package are not automatically transferred to the next term. If the user wants to continue using Tvseans services, he independently renews the subscription terms for the next term.


4.1. Any user, regardless of whether he signed up for the site or not, can write a comments.

4.2 In comments to each section, users may leave comments only about this section content. For example - In the "Films" section, reviews or comments may be published only about this film, and in the "News" section or information about a technical, filming or creative group, respectively, only about this article or information. In the opposite case, TVSEANS will delete inappropriate comments without warning. If this happens again, the violators will be blocked immediately, and their monthly or annual subscription fees will not be refunded.

4.3 Users are strictly forbidden to write rude, inappropriate, insulting comments that discredit other users or employees of TVSEANS and/or TVSEANS as a company. Users who allow such violations will be immediately blocked, and their monthly or annual payments will not be refunded.


5.1 You can cancel your Tvseans membership at any time, and you will continue to have access to the Tvseans service through the end of your billing period.

5.2 Payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial membership periods or unused Tvseans content.

5.3  If you cancel your membership, your account will automatically close at the end of your current billing period. If you signed up for Tvseans using your account with a third party as a Payment Method and wish to cancel your Tvseans membership, you may need to do so through such third party, for example by visiting your account with the applicable third party and turning off auto-renew, or unsubscribing from the Tvseans service through that third party. But even in this case, payments are not subject to a partial or full refund, and we do not provide reimbursement for any incomplete membership periods or unused periods.


6.1 You can contact CUSTOMER SERVICE of TVSEANS.COM to resolve any related problems. You can write to the following e-mail address: info@tvseans.com

6.2 Information on changes to the TVSEANS.COM will be sent to your e-mail address at the latest within 10 days or will be published on the front page of the site.