Bloody January ( 2015 ) watch online in best quality

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, Azerbaijan, 16+
Bloody January
138 min.
az, ru
1080p, 720p, 360p
Historical Action Drama Wаr
8.5 TvSeans   8.4 IMDb   8.2 Kinopoisk  
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"Bloody January" (Qanlı Yanvar) is a art film about the tragic events of January 1990, also known as "Black January", Result of the introduction Soviet army units in Baku, hundreds of civilians were killed.
This is the first art film about the events of Black January.
The film is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the tragedy. The presentation of the film took place on January 19, 2015 at the Nizami cinema center. State and government officials, deputies of the Milli Mejlis (National Assembly), famous figures of science and culture, journalists and the creative team of the film took part in it.
The main storyline of the film "Bloody January" is based on real events of January 1990. Film based on the life of several main characters, the director reflects the people's struggle for independence.
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