Big Fish ( 2003 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, 12+
Big Fish
135 min.
az, ru, en
720p, 360p
Adventure Drama Fantasy
5.6 TvSeans   8 IMDb   7.9 Kinopoisk  
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At Will Bloom's wedding party, his father Edward recalls the day Will was born, claiming he caught an enormous catfish using his wedding ring as bait. Will, having heard these stories all his life, believes them to be lies and falls out with his father. Three years later, Edward is stricken with cancer, so Will and his pregnant French wife Joséphine return to the town of Ashton, Alabama to spend time with his father. During the plane ride, Will recalls a story of Edward's childhood encounter with a witch, who shows him his death in her glass eye. Edward, in spite of his illness, continues to tell the story of his life to Will and Joséphine. He claims to have once been bedridden for three years due to his rapid growth spurts. He then became a locally famous sportsman before being driven by his ambition to leave his hometown...
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Film Director(s)
Tim Burton
John August
Main Characters
Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney
Other Characters  
Marion Cotillard, Helena Bonham Carter, Billy Crudup , Alison Lohman, Jessica Lange



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