My Sister's Keeper ( 2009 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, 16+
My Sister's Keeper
109 min.
az, ru, en
1080p, 720p, 360p
Drama Family
10 TvSeans   7.4 IMDb   7.9 Kinopoisk  
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Director Nick Cassavetes collaborates with screenwriter Jeremy Leven (The Notebook) for this drama about a pair of parents who resort to unorthodox methods in order to save their young daughter's life, only to find their decision coming back to haunt them in a manner neither could have ever foreseen. Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian (Jason Patric) are coasting through life with their young son and daughter when tragedy threatens to tear the family apart. Suddenly, their baby girl falls ill, and her only hope for survival rests in her parents' ability to find a compatible bone marrow donor. Desperate to save their daughter's life at any cost, Sara and Brian conceive another child in hopes that the baby will be a genetic match. But that decision raises a series of moral and ethical questions that rapidly begin to erode the foundation of the once-happy couple's relationship. Incensed upon learning that she was brought into this world for the singular purpose of prolonging the life of her ailing older sister, the young girl (Abigail Breslin) ultimately decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body.
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Film Director(s)
Nick Cassavetes
Nick Cassavetes
Main Characters
Abigail Breslin, Cameron Diaz
Other Characters  
Alec Baldwin, Lin Shaye, Jason Patric, Mark Johnson, Joan Cusack, Thomas Dekker



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