Director M. Night Shyamalan reveals he has started working on a brand-new sci-fi movie. The master of the twist ending’s most recent release was superhero thriller Glass - the crossover-sequel to Unbreakable and Split that many critics deemed inferior to its predecessors. Though bad reviews forGlass made Shyamalan cry, it seems the director has now bounced back from the disappointment with the new film he has in the works.
This new sci-fi movie won’t be the first time Shyamalan has dipped his toes into the sci-fi genre. His 2002 film Signs was a genuinely scary sci-fi horror and is still regarded by many as one of Shyamalan’s best films. On the flip side, there was the Will Smith fronted post-apocalyptic sci-fi After Earth, which was nigh-on universally panned. Of course, Shyamalan is really no stranger to such career highs and lows. While critics have raved about films including The Sixth Sense, The Visit and Split, other Shyamalan films like The Last Airbender, The Happening and Lady in the Water haven’t gone down so well.
Fingers crossed this new project will be one of Shyamalan’s better movies. Announcing the film on Twitter, the director teased fans with a short tweet that reads: “Outlining new film… Has a little fun sci-fi bent. Feels so good to begin a new story.” Obviously, whatever the movie is, it’s still in the very early stages hence the rather cryptic tone of Shyamalan’s tweet. Although, judging by his words, it doesn’t look like the director intends to do another sequel or crossover anytime soon. Maybe those bad reviews for Glass have put him off that particular route for the foreseeable.

We can probably rule out the possibility that Labor of Love is Shyamalan’s secret sci-fi film, given that it’s an old script and apparently stuck in development hell. In the meantime, Shyamalan fans have plenty of time to speculate over what his next movie will be. Let’s just hope it turns out a bit better than Glass did.