Sony Pictures Animation has released the first trailer for the upcoming film Connected, which follows a family during an apocalyptic robot uprising. The original story hails from filmmaker Mike Rianda, who co-wrote the script with Jeff Rowe and directs this unique twist on a family road trip story. The film’s protagonist is a young creative outsider named Katie Mitchell (Abbi Jacobson) who is accepted into the film school of her dreams and can’t wait to go away to college.
Unfortunately for her, her father (Danny McBride) has decided the entire family should drive her up to school for one last hurrah. That includes her wildly positive mother (Maya Rudolph), quirky little brother (Rianda), and chubby pug Monchi. And unfortunately for them all, during the course of their road trip, the electronic devices all around the world decide it’s time to take over.
Connected is produced by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who met Rianda while they were working on Sony’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and decided they wanted to help shepherd his original story to the big screen. Judging by the trailer, this looks fantastic. You’ve got a heartwarming story at the center with a father who just wants to reconnect with his family by overcoming the barriers of technology combined with the comedy of fighting off a robot uprising. Plus the animation looks unique and I admire that Sony Pictures Animation is eschewing a house style in favor of something more creative.