Prey ( 2022 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, 18+
100 min.
az, ru, en
1080p, 720p, 360p
Sci-Fi Action Horror
8.27 TvSeans   7.2 IMDb   6.6 Kinopoisk  
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The booty is deployed on lands belonging to the Comanche Indian tribe. Naru is surprisingly strong and courageous. She is a brave warrior, a wise strategist and a person who is ready to go into battle without hesitation. The girl has been preparing for battles all her life. She was not afraid of death and was ready to defend her people to the last drop of blood. Such an opportunity is given to her when mysterious Predators attack the territory of the tribe. A warrior woman goes to investigate. She had never faced such an adversary before. Mysterious monsters are able to destroy the entire tribe, leaving no one alive. The girl returns home and reports an unusual find. She is ready to go into battle herself if she does not find other volunteers. A highly developed race has certain advantages over the Comanches, but Naru is not afraid of possible death. She is driven by faith in her own strength and the salvation of her relatives, for the sake of them she can sacrifice her own life.
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Film və serialları Azərbaycan dilində dublyajda izləyin, 720p və Full HD keyfiyyətdə Azərbaycanca dublyajda film və seriallar


Film Director(s)
Dan Trachtenberg
Other Characters  
Amber Midthunder, Dane DiLiegro, Michelle Trush



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sahib   24.04.2023
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