Chronicle ( 2012 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, 16+
83 min.
az, ru, en
720p, 360p
Drama Thriller Sci-Fi
8 TvSeans   7 IMDb   6.6 Kinopoisk  
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Andrew's cousin Matt Garetty invites him to a party to help him mingle with some people, but his filming causes an altercation with an attendee and he leaves disappointed. Popular student Steve Montgomery (Jordan) persuades Andrew to record something strange that he and Matt have found in the woods. The trio enter a hole in the ground, where they hear a loud strange noise and discover a large glowing blue crystalline object which turns red, and gives them painful nosebleeds. As the crystalline object begins to react violently, the camera malfunctions. Weeks later, Andrew, Matt, and Steve record themselves as they display telekinetic abilities, but begin bleeding from their noses when they overexert themselves. They develop a close friendship and begin using their abilities to play pranks. However, when Andrew telekinetically pushes a rude motorist off the road and into a river, Matt insists that they restrict the use of their powers, particularly against living things.

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Film Director(s)
Josh Trank
Josh Trank
Main Characters
Alex Russell, Dane DeHaan
Other Characters  
Michael Kelly, Michael B. Jordan, Ashley Hinshaw



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