Death with Vengeance ( 2015 ) watch online in best quality

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, Azerbaijan, 16+
Death with Vengeance
102 min.
Drama Azerbaijany
0 TvSeans   0 IMDb   0 Kinopoisk  
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The plot has a very deep moral meaning and touches upon the tragic events that the German population of Azerbaijan had to endure in those years. German colonies were founded in Azerbaijan by order of Tsar Alexander I. Germans resettled, mainly from Swabia, to Azerbaijan took place in 1819. At first, the Germans founded two colonies: Elenendorf and Annenfeld (now the cities of Goygol and Shamkir), then six more colonies, which were linked economically and culturally. The informal center was Elenendorf, which was the largest German colony in the Caucasus. Over the past years, the Germans settled in Azerbaijan, significantly expanded the economy, helped by the hospitality and friendliness of the Azerbaijanis. But in 1941, by order of Stalin, the Germans were evicted from Azerbaijan to Central Asia. The film was shot by the Azerbaijanfilm studio named after Jafar Jabbarly in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Germany.
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Film Director(s)
Oktay Mirgasimov
Oktay Mirgasimov
Main Characters
Dieter Hallervorden, Oktavia Bendsen
Other Characters  
Ayan Mirkasimova, Michael Schwarzmaier, Ramiz Azizbayli



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