The 355 ( 2022 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, 12+
The 355
122 min.
az, ru, en
1080p, 720p, 360p
Action Thriller Spy Film
7.72 TvSeans   5.5 IMDb   5.6 Kinopoisk  
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When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, wild card CIA agent Mason "Mace" Brown will need to join forces with rival badass German agent Marie, former MI6 ally and cutting-edge computer specialist Khadijah, and skilled Colombian psychologist Graciela on a lethal, breakneck mission to retrieve it, while also staying one-step ahead of a mysterious woman, Lin Mi Sheng, who is tracking their every move. As the action rockets around the globe from the cafes of Paris to the markets of Morocco to the wealth and glamour of Shanghai, the quartet of women will forge a tenuous loyalty that could protect the world-or get them killed.
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Film Director(s)
Simon Kinberg
Simon Kinberg
Main Characters
Jessica Chastain
Other Characters  
Marion Cotillard, Sebastian Stan, Penelope Cruz, Diane Kruger



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