Fight Club ( 1999 ) watch online in best quality

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, USA, Deutschland, 18+
Fight Club
131 min.
az, ru, en
720p, 360p
Action Drama
9.57 TvSeans   8.8 IMDb   8.6 Kinopoisk  
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A nameless first person narrator attends support groups in attempt to subdue his emotional state and relieve his insomniac state. When he meets Marla, another fake attendee of support groups, his life seems to become a little more bearable. However when he associates himself with Tyler he is dragged into an underground fight club and soap making scheme. Together the two men spiral out of control and engage in competitive rivalry for love and power. When the narrator is exposed to the hidden agenda of Tyler's fight club, he must accept the awful truth that Tyler may not be who he says he is.
Film və serialları Azərbaycan dilində dublyajda izləyin, 720p və Full HD keyfiyyətdə Azərbaycanca dublyajda film və seriallar


Film Director(s)
David Fincher
Jim Uhls
Main Characters
Brad Pitt, Edvard Norton
Other Characters  
Helena Bonham Carter, Meat Loaf, Jared Leto



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Qaya   28.01.2025
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