Intouchables ( 2011 ) watch online in best quality

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, France, 16+
112 min.
az, ru, fr
1080p, 720p, 360p
Biography Drama Comedy
9.73 TvSeans   8.5 IMDb   8.8 Kinopoisk  
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An irreverent, uplifting comedy about friendship, trust and human possibility, The Intouchables has broken box office records in its native France and across Europe. Based on a true story of friendship between a handicap millionaire (Francois Cluzet) and his street smart ex-con caretaker (Omar Sy), The Intouchables depicts an unlikely camaraderie rooted in honesty and humor between two individuals who, on the surface, would seem to have nothing in common.
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Film Director(s)
Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano
Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano
Main Characters
Omar Sy, François Cluzet
Other Characters  
Clotilde Mollet, Audrey Fleurot, Anne Le Ny



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