Inside Mecca ( 2003 ) watch online in best quality

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Inside Mecca
52 min.
az, ru, en
720p, 360p
Historical Biography
6.25 TvSeans   7.9 IMDb   0 Kinopoisk  
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Inside Mecca is a 2003 National Geographic documentary film by Anisa Mehdi that offers an intimate documentation of the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Aside from providing insight regarding the universal principles of Islam, this production emphasizes the historical significance of Mecca to both the Muslim and non-Muslim population. Often constituting a journey of epic proportions, it follows several pilgrims throughout their trip, and highlight their physical and mental preparation, the strain induced by the journey itself, and the spiritual ecstasy experienced upon arrival. The film is narrated by American voice actor Keith David.
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Film Director(s)
Anisa Mehdi, Taghi Amirani
Anisa Mehdi
Main Characters
Keith David
Other Characters  
Umar Faruq Abd-Allah, Daisy Khan, Iyad bin Amin Madani, Ismail Mahbob



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