Человек с бульвара Капуцинов ( 1987 ) watch online in best quality

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, USSR, 16+
Человек с бульвара Капуцинов
98 min.
az, ru
Comedy Romance Music
10 TvSeans   7.9 IMDb   8 Kinopoisk  
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Mr. John First (Johnny) is a cinematographer traveling to Santa Carolina when he is stopped by a band of robbers, headed by Black Jack. Johnny is the only one who does not pull out a gun and fight during the midst of the action and is thus questioned by Black Jack as to why. He then takes the book which Johnny is so fervently looking through and ends up mistaking it for a Bible, until he notices that it contains several blank pages. Johnny explains that it is a book of World Cinema History. Black Jack quickly loses interest and rides away.
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