Lucy ( 2014 ) watch online in best quality

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, France, 18+
89 min.
az, ru, en
1080p, 720p, 360p
Action Sci-Fi
9.33 TvSeans   6.4 IMDb   6.7 Kinopoisk  


It was supposed to be a simple job. All Lucy had to do was deliver a mysterious briefcase to Mr. Jang. But immediately Lucy is caught up in a nightmarish deal where she is captured and turned into a drug mule for a new and powerful synthetic drug. When the bag she is carrying inside of her stomach leaks, Lucy's body undergoes unimaginable changes that begins to unlock her mind's full potential.
Film və serialları Azərbaycan dilində dublyajda izləyin, 720p və Full HD keyfiyyətdə Azərbaycanca dublyajda film və seriallar


Film Director(s)
Luc Besson
Luc Besson
Main Characters
Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman
Other Characters  
Choi Min-sik , Amr Waked, Julian Rhind-Tutt



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